New York or Nowhere?

Kayla Tomas
3 min readJan 2, 2021

I’ve always hated that phrase.

A Rare Late Winter Day in a Tank (The Highline-NYC)

“If I can make it there, I can make it anywhere.”

Everywhere has it challenges, don’t flatter yourself.

For me, New Year’s Day has been more than a holiday. Sure, it’s a fresh start, but I never make resolutions because they last three days and I never keep them. Still, January 1st is special: it marks another year hustling in the Big Apple.

On January 1st, 2016, I rolled up to my Astoria sublet in my 2005 Dodge Neon with two suitcases and a savings account cushioned by a summer’s worth of slinging Bud Lights in one-size-too-small Daisy Dukes. I had a small, part-time job lined up at Pearl Studios as a front desk receptionist, which I quickly learned was an actor’s nightmare, but also a godsend. Thank you, free studio space and private bathrooms. The rest, as they say, is history.

Holding Up Pedestrian Traffic (59th Street Columbus Circle- NYC)

Here I am, five years later, and today, I am not posting a “Look at me! Today Marks Five Years In NYC!” status. I told myself I wouldn’t leave New York until I was good and ready. I wanted at least five MORE years. But with my furniture sold and my personal belongings in a Cube Smart as of two weeks ago, it’s finally hitting home that I am not celebrating a New York-iversary today. I’m not quite sure why I left, and the dust has yet to settle, so it will take time to really talk about it. For many, 2020 was an eye-opener of a year. I can blame the lack of work and closure of the arts industry that lead me away, but I’m just not sure.

To put it plainly, I think I was ready.

Cheesin’ on Bow Bridge (Central Park NYC)

New York will always be there. She will welcome you in with open arms and then knock you down the second you pull away. New York started as a dream and then turned into an obligation. “I cannot leave. If I leave, I fail. I have so much to accomplish here and I cannot leave until I achieve it all.” You don’t just say, “I’m going to move to NYC, it seems fun!”

$10 beers and $1,092.50 in rent for a BEDROOM in a three-bedroon on a walkup gets old, y’all. You move to NYC because you have a job to do, a goal to nourish and a dream to fulfill.

Brownstone Dreamin’ (West Village-NYC)

Well, I sure as hell did not fail. I am a fuller, better version of who I am meant to be because of my journey in New York City. I am not on Broadway. Not even CLOSE. But, I wouldn’t trade the last almost five years for anything.

“Strength is what we gain from the madness we survive.” For the longest time, I felt like I would be nothing without New York. Where will I go next? Who know. But, ff New York has taught me anything, it’s that I will figure it out; I always do.

Currently Exploring Elsewhere (Fragrance Lake Hike-Bellingham, WA.)

