30, flirty & thriving

Kayla Tomas
2 min readMay 24, 2021

my 30 before 30 list

For years, I’ve joked that once I hit 25 I was basically 30. My back hurts when I wake up everyday- what more can I say?

It’s really easy for me to get into my head and compare and question my journey: 29 and no husband. 29 and no mortgage. 29 and no baby. 29 and no health insurance or 401K. The list goes on.

In the remaining months of my 20s, I’d rather nourish the life that I lead and live into what I do have versus what I don’t, of course while having some fun adventures along the way.

I’ve compiled a list of things that excite me. I’m not talking a bucket list per se, because let’s be real, I will be that grandma at 72 that goes skydiving.

30 things to do before 30:

  1. Move to a new city.
  2. Begin my graduate degree in a field I love that challenges me.
  3. Find a lucrative side income in something I enjoy.
  4. Buy a car.
  5. Learn how to change a flat tire and perform basic maintenance on my own.
  6. Open a savings account that is for legitimate saving and not bills.
  7. Allocate funds to be donated monthly to initiatives that align with my values.
  8. Completely ignore the scale. Fuck numbers. Go by how I feel.
  9. Learn how to do winged eyeliner.
  10. Nail down my 8-minute mile.
  11. Join an intramural sport or club for fun.
  12. Obtain a fitness-related certification.
  13. Take some piano lessons.
  14. Create another one-woman show.
  15. Discover my favorite type of wine.
  16. Successfully grow my own herbs.
  17. Go greener: reusable bags, food storage, napkins, makeup remover pads, etc.
  18. Start investing in good quality and long-lasting furniture/home decor.
  19. Take an epic girls weekend trip that is not someone’s bachelorette party.
  20. Go on a blind date.
  21. Have a fling.
  22. Take a camping trip.
  23. Go on a spontaneous weekend getaway with only a backpack.
  24. Treat myself to an extra, full on spa day.
  25. Get a visible tattoo.
  26. Catch more sunrises and sunsets.
  27. Give myself more grace.
  28. Get comfortable with saying “no”.
  29. Create boundaries in my work and personal life.
  30. Look in the mirror and say, “I am doing my best,” and mean it.

Stay tuned.


